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Grow to meet strong more strong, continuously evolved characteristic.The danger that passes this, body and spirits all felt strong threat, so Lin Tian's ability was again fast to fiercely evolve.
Five rank fairies!The real strenght of Lin Tian now is exactly the level that can resist with five rank fairies.Although because of just breaking.He still too late adapts to his own amount of SONY and ability, can not attain an effective control.The possibility is canning not also obtaining victory to the time that ascends this real five rank fairies.But want to procrastinate up and for a while but still all right already.
" With you a mole cricket and ant!?"Five rank fairies sneer at one to direct magic weapon to beat to Lin Tian.Although his mouth up of seem to be very agile, but at to last Lin Tian the but again change very carefully after.The time that attackstones each time all use to protect a skill treasure protecting of prison in the oneself prison.Obviously he once heard Lin Tian as well that the ability for concealing, much less just that frightens him all of a sudden not light.
The combat of air beats very and horrifyingly.Although the Gao Meng Deng person organiced the help of body under the fierce real strenght increase, but still can not attain to resist four a rank on the layer of the level of fairy.So they a come up is directly for dear life power.Completely beat to be consumed the plan of dying the other party by human wave tactics of warfare.
The air spreads a voice explosion voice once again.Another machine body was beaten to explode head but pour to fly to go out.Be just the head of machine body here so much, rather than the head of that clansmen of Kun Lun.However seeing now this machine body already black-and-blue pit pit Wa Wa.The hands have already completely become spare parts, a leg also breaks a half, and it is complete to discard almost.Like at the person of inside without immediately departing from this life, just grow harm but collapsed and fainted just.
However this machine body before being beaten to discard, also use at that time didn't°yet discard of a better arm a fairy of back mercilessly chopped down one knife.That almost two meters much long huge knife blade true the empress of the fairy carry on the back to all almost chop down to open, the inside gold color bone the Ge and internal organses can clearly see a way.
"Dry his Niang of!"Gao Meng Kan to this circumstance behind malicious blunt past, in the machine body hand of that be full of the light sword of demolishing the energy mercilessly and insert back to that fairy of wound inside, then see him lightly on stiring, that fairy sends out one to bellow.The internal organs in his body even the half bodies be all stired by this to stir ground.And the knife in the Gao Meng Ji's body hand also drive fairy that arrogant body to that collapse to break, bottom for an instant his collective drive this fairy in the article of death front send out of the magic weapon beat of pour to fly to go out.
"The first!The brothers door encourages!"Is high fierce to mercilessly vomit a blood in the machine body, then he controled to lack a machine body of leg once again to moreover a fairy blunt past.
Beat to beat, these fairy afraid.This guy root that helps the driver the steel monster be on helping bedlamite, beat completely and not and desperately.They have already leaned against the strength of fairy machine to ruin up to 100 machine bodies, but oneself is to all over take wound.If there are even two fairies, distinguish be chopped down an arm and thigh.Those physically disabled of machine body even if is black-and-blue 708 fall, but only can also move to all want to charge forward to bite one oneself a
Combat's beating thus horrifyingly has already far and far outrun anticipating of a few fairieses, after the price of Gao Meng Fu's last machine body arm chopped into two a fairy, three four stage fairies leaving finally collapse.

The text chapter 247 beats off a strong enemy
Renew time:2009-2-2022:18:20 chapter word numbers:7545

"The bedlamite is all bedlamite!His mama of, Lao Tze is a fairy, the life has no so mean.()"The shouting of fairy hysteria that broke an arm way.Descend a moment, he tried very hard to of displayed to move to escape to go out in a sudden.
"The idiocy damned also don't come back for me!"The five rank fairies for leading the way see arrive unexpectedly have under charge to escape, immediately roars way.
"You still worry you first."Lin Tian wiped under most the Cape gore vestige say,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com.Tie up this five living of rank fairieses not and easily, although give this five rank fairy back one knife, but he also suffered from some internal injuries.
There is the nature to take the lead having follow behind of, the another an intact fairy sees grow a circumstance also crazily move to go out in a sudden.The last broke a leg and had already all over been the fairy of blood to also want to escape.But a remain a machine body of arm but suddenly rushed toward to come over at this time and died with only left that arm dead of hold tight the leg that that fairy leaves.
"Damn!Release!"The fairy being held tight immediately grasps crazy, the situation in nowadays obviously is if he doesn't run affirmation will die here.This sees he becomes mad of take fairy machine to hold tight his/her own machine body to beat.Immediately the head of that machine body is bein a twinkling aten suddenly and violently, on the machine body body get top for a while immediately will little top a cake of, just in a twinkling the whole machine big part be beaten to spread, see next time attack will directly offend the clansmen of Kun Lun of inside.
"Die!"A clansmen of Kun Lun in machine body suddenly and violently ha 1, jump to come mercilessly one knife to split the fairy for becoming mad into two sections, then have a knead ground come out the fairy baby who wants to run from the corpse.
"Ha ha, your belong to bottom already go to Yan king there report, you not those one person only live, I see you still the heel descend go to."The electronics that Lin Tian by hand wins says after breaking out the fairy machine that mercilessly criticized to fly to offend to come over.
That five rank fairies obviously also cut up rough extremity at this time, not fighting to excel of the under charge, plus oneself have been being held up by at present this peculiar guy, let his depressed have been canning not vent.
"Hum!You really think without those discards, this takes you can't!"That five rank fairies are cold to hum one to say.
"Have what skill.Use to come as far as possible.A short while perhaps you have never planned to use."Lin Tian coldly looking at to lead the way fairy to say.
"This certainly wants to capture today, no matter who you are you bottom.Only with lend you to assault fairyland to resist make this, enough put your psyche to the fire of nine Yous to burn around ten thousand years of."Lead the way fairy blunt full hate a shouting of idea of way.Sees him raising to let out a palm size and imitating a Buddha to make card similar magic weapon for ancient times.
Sees once this magic weapon appear and immediately send out seven colourful glories, a way ripples facing continuously spreads on all sides.Immediately Lin Tian feels along with proliferation of these glories, the spaces of surroundings all imitated a Buddha to become to glue dense liquid.Own activity is also subjected to some influence, is wellalso only such so much, he puts on to fight AN at this time after of speed even if being lowered is some, also absolutely outstrip big parts of fairies.Inspect world.Forbid fairy to hold a method!"Lead the way fairy facing that piece of tee off a few methods the card definitely is behind in ha way.Sees that piece of to make the parties in a twinkling becomes one personal size, seven colourfully the glory Be getting more bushy.While leading the way the control of fairy this piece of Lin Tian who turn the card to do a glory facing flies to shoot since then.
Seeing this circumstance Lin Tian's facial expression serious is some, he can feel this piece of to make there is peculiar strength on the card and seem some fairies that specially and exclusively forbid to make energy.The body form that sees him in a twinkling turns to do a quickly passing time and stays away to make empress the card quick facing to lead the way fairy to fly.
"Ha ha, really doubt that you exactly are to isn't a fairy, wanted to once hide to forbid fairy to make so!"The action that sees Lin Tian leads the way fairy to satisfiedly say with smile behind.
Indeed as expected, saw his words sound don't fall, that piece of hit vacant land to forbid fairy to make to turned in the sky and quickly curved continued to make track for to come over to Lin Tian, and the speed changes more and more quickly.
See this circumstance.World wood's eyebrow picked to pick, his speed promoted once again 100%, the whole figure has already completely canned not be caught a way.Momentary.Sees one person a turn the card to do two Tao Kuang China to in the sky fly speed of pursue.Leaving in the whole space is falsely big slice of shadow, don't know conditions in it.
"Quite good thing should exclusively use to forbid to make what fairy use.However......I ain't the fairy of positive card."It wonders a way in Lin Tian Xin.
"Ha ha, need not Be getting harder to tackle.This forbids fairy to make wills have been following you, you regardless run how far be all not likely to escape.And the speed will be more and more quick, until you hold tight you after the dint Jie. Related articles:

