
Beats By Dre In Ear ltClearly visiblefro

Who I was woke up .relationresultHehated not long two legs ,just fight like crazy to run .relationresultTherefore,the Thunder Tiger once turned head ,cold hold eye that was scared silly Filil ,subtle and said: my wife should still in your hands now ,I think you should know what to do .
, relationresultFililhesitated, looked up, eyes Thunder Tiger ,but managed ,no more .relationresultThunder Tigerto wait more than ,back turned ,body will instantly disappear .relationresultThe next moment,Thunder Tiger the whole people will have to God above the land ,cold and angry and looked at in the following is already become dilapidated God continent ,had everything ,it is destroyed .
relationresultClearly visiblefrom the air ,looking down ,can be seen in every part of the continent of God ,are explosive repeatedly ,fragile space ,broken is broken .relationresultMountains and rivershave been broken ,blood flow is quickly into the river ,Beats By Dre In Ear,there are piles of bones ,even there are many even have no bones .
relationresultThegods of the mainland ,are fully behind bloody atmosphere ,full of endless dead .relationresultThunder Tigerfists clenched by in vivo ,large light source power was crazy surging up ,between intangible ,a terrible giant pressure ,is like the sky is falling ,covered the whole sheet God continent .
relationresultAll of a sudden,Max ,world without light ,the whole space, also be freezing up .relationresultThen,those who are crazy fighting genies in group two ,and felt a terror .relationresultEvenin the horror ,under pressure ,all the fighting is a time to stop, whole body is full of a cold sweat ,body trembled .
relationresultBecause theyare kind of afraid of feeling ,like what can destroy everything ,it is with the heavy pressure ,put down .relationresultFor a long time,mythical two tribe of all people, he saw a majestic black figure slowly drop from the clouds ,it is a long flowing red ,red eyes, man ,and the face with the angry man .
relationresultMagic !? Five big block to see ,it was a shocked ,but did not expect to be here to meet all of ,without the knowledge of the mazoku who saw magic ,also think of is to aides ,heart or excited great rejoicing .
relationresultHowever,the mainland side of God ,knowledge the Thunder Tiger ,is a piece of rock ,even heard a chaos Lord respect the call .relationresultAndthis is the moment, because Thunder Tiger appeared ,was tainted with the blood of the Siluoan four sword master smiled ,even know Thunder Tiger relaxed smile .
relationresultThunder Tigerchanged ,become so terrible ,but it is because there is thunder tiger appears, it will reverse the decisive battle of the whole war .relationresultAt this time,inadvertently from that Jing Wei of return to God ,towards Thunder Tiger then shouted : hum ,magic !You should be a man !We of the all, never let you go ! Just then ,careless is wielded the swords ,although not knowing that Thunder Tiger ,but careless is completely mad lost his mind ,his sword shoot up will stab the Thunder Tiger chest .
relationresultUnfortunately,Beats by Dre Electroplating,not the Thunder Tiger sword ,that such as pliers ,hand is suddenly no stinging to sword .relationresultNoexpression changed ,then loosen the sword fast lifted his fists ,straight Thunder Tiger who broke the past .
relationresultRegretfulis ,fists is not that strong ,Thunder Tiger fist is already in a careless when in the chest .relationresultHowever,clearly visible ,in a chest ,a stirring vortex coagulation and suddenly now ,like the spiral knife ,the vortex was a scrolling space ,scrolling unintended chest .
relationresultCarelesscould call ,the body in the maelstrom ,rolling in, and then was broken to pieces grind rotating space .relationresultShock,a strong shock ,seckill ,Mo Zhu grade strong careless ,even Sloan to deal with them is to fight hard ,did not think of Thunder Tiger is only a moment ,he will kiss seckill .
relationresultHorror,it was too horrible magic ,all people, all however is scared I couldn move .relationresultThe remainingfour seats to dark magic ,see Thunder Tiger ,was hit star general ,starts from the heart ,and then spread to the body, is made a trembling, his is filled with fear .
relationresultHowever,it is dark to their four seat that want to surrender the Thunder Tiger when, did not think of Thunder Tiger was actually strange differentiation apart ,then instantaneous flash to each of them before them ,unfeeling said: you kill the person is too much, so ,I was they killed you .
, relationresultDiablofour seat makes a surprise ,there has never been a fear and despair ,but comes from the strong will to survive ,they did not choose to give up ,but to give them mad .
relationresultThen,they are fighting .relationresultUnfortunately,they even have no chance of any counterattack ,he also enjoyed and careless as the doom .relationresultIn theThunder Tiger of strange went to contrast,beats by dre cheap, plunged with the vortex rotation ,sharp twisting burst, the broken space to .
relationresultSubsequently,form one, the split Thunder Tiger to polymerization in one .relationresultSeckill!It is a seckill !Difficult five big block ,God continent is not known to pay how many casualties ,now only the blink of an eye ,five seat that will suddenly died in Thunder Tiger .
relationresultAt this moment,the magic are completely amazed to live, even the five seat that is easily destroyed ,the destruction of their words ,it is not a simple kill ants .relationresultAt this time,the mainland side of God ,see five big block to be destroyed ,was excited and shouted to kill .
relationresultHowever,also did not fight ,the God continent then rang the Thunder Thunder Tiger : give me stop ! The momentum of Granville, mythical two tribe ,and is scared trembling soft ,cold sweat DC, will not be move .
relationresultThunder Tigereyes and looked at those are stopped ,and deep voice cold : stop ,I don want to see any killing ! Soon after ,the Thunder Tiger body began to have strange disappeared .
relationresultHowever,the Thunder Tiger was still ringing in all the ghost head ,has been to remind them ,the mythical battle is over .relationresultWhile the ThunderTiger fame, also from this moment ,deep in God continent all magical devil heart .
relationresultCrelationresultThe 924th chapter ,the black days away, the Lord of darkness to reproduce , relationresultThe edge of the universe,the hole in the black sun ,a piece of the universe ,is not a be complete . Related articles:

