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While making such a big movement ,his me as long as it is not blind ,deaf ,natural may not know nothing .If it is for something else,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com, he was naturally not leaves Xiao Yundong mess ,but .
.. ... Know that Xiao Yundong has completely sterile ,even if he is almost out of control because of the strong sense of despair ,for Zhou group also is hated, so only the default behavior of the son .
Otherwise, if not allowing his words ,Xiao Yundong and how may carry him arouse so much personal connections .relationresultZhou Ziwei saw theinformation originally to the only a little compassion also disappeared ,you make so many women around ,may have originally body has serious deficit ,eat tonic also cannot eat when the meal ,once eat things take anger in people .
.. ... If you just hold anger really relevant personnel also just before Zhou Ziwei ,but did not serve in his group ,only because the surname week is included in the will of man ,this bifurcation .
.. ... I really don how to write the word death .relationresultSo Zhou Ziweiwants to eliminate himself ,and the whole group later Zhou ,the first to deal with people is the Xiao Yundong .
Otherwise, if there is a solution to Zhou Ziwei off the black market killer net ,but the guy hand not have half the property ?That guy ,go back to find another killer organization ,who lived there is no longer any week can do other things .
relationresultZhou Ziwei understood theother information, ready to start ,but the accident also received Wu Di from Yunnan to send a box ,Zhou Ziwei heart joy ,not open the box, use the soul force swept ,knew here is his original design of rack one out that new cross dart .
relationresultThe newcross marinus Zhou Ziwei expects long already ,so have no alternative against one play off .Exquisite rosewood box were placed for twenty new cross dart ,these are pure handmade ,made a very delicate, but inside each a small part also is to use fine steel one point one points from grinding .
relationresultZhou Ziweifirst to the ordinary cross dart emission methods tried ,found that the new type of cross dart that after adding the joint design and will not affect the dart body in the air ,throwing out the effect and the ordinary cross dart and no two ,which relieved .
relationresultThe next is the mostimportant step ,be in this new cross dart dart body creates a new independent soul, and in the dart body divided into complex nerve line .relationresultThis processtook Zhou Ziwei for half the night time ,just missed in a new type of cross dart to describe all of the analog neural line .
This makes Zhou Ziwei was consumed by dozens of soul ,finally completed .The analog neural line ,is actually Zhou Ziwei with his soul in the dart body within the fixed route ,kept running up and down ,so that the line around the steel by the soul force influence character by environment effects, one point one points for the occurrence of a qualitative change ,when this qualitative change up to a certain extent, Zhou Ziwei again at injection a spirit of power ,Beats Detox,does not need special control ,that soul force would naturally follow after numerous characterizations of back and forth mark left to flow ,and never changed .
relationresultBefore Zhou Ziweiis in theoretically inferred ,feasible so late, but now, after half a night test ,it is proved that his previous inference was not wrong .The world had no roads, and later was often on the same line move ,also formed a road ,which is filled with a philosophy of common sense .
While Zhou Ziwei is to use this knowledge to achieve in a non life artificially created nerve line method .He really did it ... ... , relationresultZhou Ziwei thenwith new cross dart send special high efficient micro battery into the battery slot of the dart body ,then it prepared to dart body to create independent soul body .
On the battery design ,or weeks later joined the who lived in ,because he put the design into the hands of Wu Di ,didn even cross dart inside a complete analog neural line ,can control the dart body every little action ,Beats Solo HD,but .
.. ... Facts have proved that ,the soul force although also can be transformed into power ,so that an object has physical exercise .However. The energy transformation is quite bad ,is very difficult .
Even just for a screw on the ground gently rotating, Zhou Ziwei may be consumed less half a soul ,it can do, and these consumption and even beyond to the screws in the creation of an independent soul consumed by the soul force several times .
relationresultButif you can use the soul force to control other energy into power ,the consumption will be relatively less .Electrical energy is clearly a more suitable for conversion of energy ,because the current itself existence and soul energy has some similar place ,Zhou Ziwei after a simple test had proved the hypothesis ,it can use the soul force to control the electric energy is converted into power for soul force .
Of course. The power can not be too strong ,otherwise easily knocked soul force all dispersed ,but also cannot too weak ,or cross dart autonomous action becomes a weak and feeble ,weak ability .
relationresultZhou Ziwei wasalso once thought ,simply the new cross dart design into a completely electronic control things ,which installed on a miniature motor ,like a common aircraft model car model ,or is it ,so even characterize neural line this step can be omitted ,and Zhou Ziwei only in the electronic dart inside to create a own soul, so that it can be used instead of a remote controller to control it .
But Zhou Ziwei think it over and over again ,still feel completely with a circuit to control, will let the dart moves into model and stiffness of the circle ,the new cross dart and dart more than the traditional cross play how much power ?relationresultSothink twice ,Zhou Ziwei decided to waste time ,much waste little soul force ,to create a truly live up to new cross .
relationresultCharacterization ofneural line with half the night ,while in the dart body to create an independent body to soul is quick very ,barely a minute has been completed .But this time create independent soul consumed by the soul and let Zhou Ziwei have a surprise . Related articles:

