
dr dre beats y nakedly expressed

 Chapter 141 full city white frost descends black mire
"Inspect a hospital to intrude into so a garden inside today, is that the ground is naturally Mr. Zhou."Clearly green reach saw oldly mother's one eye, the harmony says:"You see ……want don't ?"
Clearly old too the gentleman be what mean cold to see his one eye, knew that he saves ground, the week servant is a big clear house servant, again is the gentleman mountain meeting ground cashier Sir, this person is too important, if let to inspect a hospital to search out, gentleman mountain will ground many inside stories will is controled by Fan Jian, be thus and indirectly controled by the emperor.
In spite of set out from the Brilliant Garden self-preservation, be still for the sake of gentleman mountain will ground the safety set out, the week servant is undoubtedly certain to die, can the problem lie in ……clearly old too the gentleman lightly sigh to say:"You again be not don't know, this surname week Mr. Di, is long the princess send our house ground, kill still don't kill, we can not is next to make firm decision."
"It Be about to search a behind to come right away."Clearly green reach noodles have no facial expression to say words, but the in the mind is a flash across is one silk sneer.
Gentleman mountain meeting?That kind of layer class ground organization, is a this kind of merchant prince big ground that the clan should involve in clear house?Fruit not it however, is to certainly become to ride a tiger at present, want to get away from to also get away from not to become.He for clearly old too gentleman with long princess there bind ground such of tightly have been having very and deeply prejudice, for that gentleman mountain meeting, more avoid it not Die.
Clearly old too the gentleman slowly shut an eye and say:"Stop worrying.Mr. Zhou ground the safety should have no problem."The old woman person momentarily wrinkled up eyebrows and hesitated to say:"One Chun affair I ain't always understand, why imperial envoy adult does the such Cun settle Mr. Zhou to still hide in the Brilliant Garden?If could not search, how he is hand over to treat to the person of world?"
Clearly green reach in the mind Luo the Mao is 1.On the face but float the color of same doubt.
Clearly old too the gentleman wanted to think and had some to lack, nerveless shook to shake head, flower white ground the hair seems to be so old Tai finish now.
"I lacked."Old woman what person disgusted says:"Don't let those inspect hospital ground running dog to bother my rest."
"Stop worrying a mother."Clearly green reach walk to she ground nearby, the hands hand her ground shoulders, seem is prepare to hand she, the harmony says:"After, no one comes to bother your ground any further rest."
Clearly old too the gentleman Be startled to look back.Then see oneself give birth to a boy that to put on to turn to namely die in a sudden in the middle of the Mou in person a ground of sorry and ashamed, frightened and ferocious.
Then she ground mouth drive Wu up,dr dre beats, skin rope dead dead of fasten last her throat.
Clearly old too the gentleman want to call, but call make no noise, the hands are given birth to a boy to die to deadly hold tight in person by oneself's ground, can make an effort of kick feet, that double of not the earth feet play indiscriminately, the Pa Pa makes ring.
Old woman person ground flash across in eyes endlessly scare and anger hate.Dead dead of staring at and leaving his/her own not far big Ya wreath.
She doesn't know in the mansion how much confidant, but at this time all is not in oneself's ground nearby, didn't know to depart from this life where.
The big Ya wreath saw clearly old too the gentleman is one eye, slowly once turned round to go.
The skin rope of throat more fastens more tight, clearly old too the gentleman can not breathe.Chest inside irritablely pain, the double eye starts to be confusing and knows that allly the persons all betrayed their themselveses, but with betrayal compare, that mightiness strongly regrets idea with hate an idea is more hard to suppress, accompany with her ground the old tears flowed out with lips side saliva.
"You have to be a little bit more malicious."
"Matter in Chengkong University certainly needs to sacrifice an article."
All words then re- ring out for an instant here and accompany with an in the article of death front ground buzzing in the ears voice, the shot beats in the old woman person's center of earth.
She ground eyes drum come out, dead dead of stare at in front ground ……give birth to a boy in person.
Clearly green reach the dead die to lower the head.Grasp her ground hands, a don't deliver.
Probably led for a long time.Probably just very shortly for an instant, sit upright at too on ground of teacher chair old woman person, this secretly influence operate Chiang-Nan for ten few years, ground clearly old too the gentleman chest send out one stuffy ring, body suddenly a soft, double feet the nerveless Da pull under the chair, there is again no action.
Be getting older, the took a rest.
Inspect hospital to the Brilliant Garden ground search to work to carry on not smoothly, although no one dares to block he or she,Deng Zi more has already felt that the Brilliant Garden middleman eyes ground fury is more and more prosperous.And those are secretly staring at F etc. of escort hatchet man, every moment probably draw out weapon blunt come up.
Search nature in the house don't have gentle and soft means.Turn over a box to pour a cabinet all the way, all the way harsh voice drink to scold, go into person's girl's bedroom all the way, this shape really has much of wolf ground the vehemence equally also stired up Brilliant Garden owner ground for bad several centses hostile emotion.
However Deng Zi more doesn't worry, Fan Ti takes charge of to make he or she enter a park, definitely have confidence.
Fruit not it however, although the Brilliant Garden middleman disgusts to hate bitterly of looking at oneself, no one dares to obstruct himself/herself.Just ……the Brilliant Garden is a lot too big, searched along while, also however searched a half area in the region, but basically could not check the slightest on that week a servant underground to fall.
"I want to search a park behind."Deng Zi more says towards having been accompanying building young master clear orchid stone being at the nearby clear parent.
"Do not go!"The clear orchid stone dead dead stares at him ground eyes, rebuke way:"Do you actually want to do what?Think our clear house really like this fold Ru ground?"
Empress the park live women family relatives, how like to search, the clear orchid stone seizes a pretext and cut up rough into a pole of will inspect many a pains to officers in the hospital to scold.Deng Zi more but is calm and steady that face, the one step isn't willing to yield, either and takes Fan Jian's handwriting to send out a ground of official document in his hand and up covers printing of imperial envoy, there is enough geography from search.
Of course not can with the name that inspects a hospital, can to go Chiang-Nan road imperial envoy place name righteousness.
The square governmental affairs wanted to know to inspect a hospital the ability doesn't wade is particularly to can not be good at to judge civil case, today this, playing the ground is on recruiting to cheat, at last Fan Jian lends a ground of soldier.
Both parties then the garden area doorway squared off after going into, ground in the Brilliant Garden the domestic escorts have already endured old long, by this time and finally cannot help but, gutter language repeatedly and, the Nu scolds not only, emotionally wrought up under, originally shoulded be concealed at one side ground those hatchet mans and private soldiers also now body form, will inspect about 40 officialdom total amounts in the hospital to round at field in.
Deng Zi more face a black, cold say:"Clear young master, this actually continues to search
Or do you prepare an anti- aim?"
The imperial envoy walks.Represent of is Emperor aim idea, who dare slightly anti-?
Clear orchid stone the green a burst of white of face is a burst of, tightly bite a tooth, dressed up as enough to humiliate embarrassed shape, a long time behind angry of shout at top of voice:"Search!This is old sky of is have eyes ground!I don't believe you to inspect a hospital to take advantage of power to bully people, hereafter don't get retribution!"
Deng Zi more where realize so many, hold the handle of plain knife, move forward hereafter the park rushed into.
Have never expected to may not be done 10.Then met head on to rush out one person, saw although that person be dressed in Ya wreath dress,see through to wear dress quality and foppery, is also a Brilliant Garden inside ground important person.This Ya wreath full face deadly pale, double eye have no absolute being, if the Yuan saw the ghost generally go crazy to go crazy Dian Dian of toward public hurtled to come over, part blunt return part unclear shout:"Die!Die!……Die!"
Deng Zi more at heart a surprised.Feel a certain bad omen ground an omen, wrinkly the eyebrows blocked that Ya wreath down, harsh voice drink a way:" What matter?"
Ya wreath ground that face show unintentionally in normal times in keep a ground everyone's qualities, just at this time seem to frighten too much, whole is an one Qi Huang.Cringed along while, a long time could not said as well a completely sentence, just at Deng Zi more continuously deliver to tremble before the body, if isn't Deng Zi more don't avoid grasping of enmity her arm, only afraid she already soft arrive of up.
Inspect a hospital to search garden area the person don't know this Ya wreath, clear home ground person but know this Ya wreath ground identity, know that she is too clearly old gentleman ground personal big Ya wreath, one of the confidents, six people's all rounding at this time is here seeing her this shape.All cannot help but getting a fright, wished to actually take place what affair?
Clear orchid stone the Huang is hasty of more robbed to pass by in hand from Deng Zi the big Ya wreath.Carry her collar of dress to say:"How?Who die?"
Deng Zi more cold see in one side, flash across in eye one silk difference color.
That big Ya wreath drive young master Cuan two times, finally once came to absolute being, a mouth, but is too late say what, was first windy and rainy to miserably and miserably cry:" ……Wu ……young master, old too gentleman ……old too gentleman she."
"Is old too gentleman how?"
"Is old too gentleman ……she went!"The big Ya wreath struggles to finish saying this sentence, head a slanting, faint dead the ground is at the clear orchid stone bosom.
If the clear orchid stone encounters a thunder.Is foolish to sign on the spot, the momentary doesn't believe oneself ground ear.
But body week six sonses in the clear house are in every aspect and mutually also a Qu.Staring is big eyes, opened widely a mouth, was like similar Leng of numerous toads, seeming to be not to know shoulded be used how shocked earth's surface feeling to expresses oneself at this time endocentric feeling!
Is too old gentleman to go?
Is too old gentleman to go!
Dead generally and dead silently garden inside, don't once know how long, suddenly exploded out the first to cry a voice, close behind, cry a voice immediately but rise, if Yuan a threatening force nobly choruses and cry a voice miserably the noise of shouting pain scold a voice this that Fu, more many people shockedly fall to sit at of, how stand also station don't get up.
The whole Brilliant Garden is covered with at shocked and sad Nu ground angry in.
Remove clear four Yeses in the mansion dungeon of Suzhou, clear master heel at old too the gentleman ground still have four in the field at this time nearby the building landlord matter Yes son, these four men cry bitterly Hao call, a pull out a progressive orchid stone silly of body, bring about before the body long gown then and hereafter in park hurtle pass by.
At this time, no one attends to any further what empress the park can not be good at into ground rules, need not who deliver one to shout, accompany with to cry a voice like cloud ground ambulation, the Brilliant Garden appeared form ground several 100 people and persons to all cry to lose hereafter to rush through to pass by in park.
And at this time, the field in the center inspects the officials in the hospital in every aspect and mutually Qu, became most embarrassedly that part of persons, Deng Zi more the eye Tong Be tiny to shrink, felt a crisis, received orders to come to search a park today, how don't also thought of, at last and unexpectedly become a such situation!
Although at this time still don't know clearly old too the gentleman is how to die,Deng Zi is more clear, the other party hopeless situation is too really wonderful too Qiao, handiness to inspect a hospital to want not to undertake none of responsibilities to go.
But in times before that for an instant, his remaining only in see a clear orchid stone ground facial expression, more let he ground heart the deep place produced a certain question.
Clearly old too gentleman death ground news, shocked go up and down inside the Brilliant Garden, those escorts all hurtled out and hurtled to inspect a hospital publically and nearby, round they, take weapon Nu in hand arrows, Shan in the double eyes wear old grudge ground vision.
Deng Zi more the eyebrows is tiny wrinkly, know at this time measure to isn't appropriate, then it is both parties' fire combine ground final outcome, just come to before lift to take charge of adult to hand over to need ground clearly, affair ……should not keep on developing so.
He decides on the spot, the conductor belonged to these to inspect officials in the hospital to also get into the park is behind in.Anyway at this time Brilliant Garden this is greatly disorderly, who also can not consider of their these people, and those take weapon to keep watch on a private soldier of own Brilliant Garden, also impossible at clearly old too gentleman at time of death it of, begin right away.
The park follows to cry a voice to find to go for a long time after walking into, in a nice and secluded small hospital outside, Deng Zi more looking at to fullly kneels people of hitting the ground.Not from at heart a cold, once the taste sweep and then see that a high big hall a house in, that thick beam under, long long ground the white towel fasten a person under.
An old woman person.
The old woman hangs person's hands at nearby, double feet toe dynasty of, along with pure spring softly breeze.In out of the sky drift over there, this prospects looking at many Gui evil spirits to has many Gui evil spirits.
Particularly being that double of has been being not willing to shut ground the double eye wear toward outside Tu and be suffused with at the point of death Zheng to come out a ground of thrombus in eye Tong, resenting is full poisonous and unwillingly hope an outside.
Hope hospital other parts of country to inspect officials in the hospital just.
Deng Zi was more lived by these two visions earthquake that kill a person, quickly turned round a Bo neck.Send down to make to go, let to belong to the bottoms sternly alert, prepare to break through siege at any time.
The full hospital cries a voice, a posterity kneels but Qi blood, kowtow not only.
Clearly old too gentleman dead deeply, this debt Brilliant Garden affirmation will record in inspecting hospital ground body, in such a public sentiment arouse courageously and every moment, who don't know as well to will take place what affair.
Just rear ground exit, already drive Brilliant Garden ground private soldiers tiger see Dan Dan and be full of blocking up of old grudge.If wanting to kill will go out, what it difficult.
While leading not much.Forehead already Ke
The blood comes to ground clearly green reach with four brotherses old too the body of gentleman solved down from the beam.The bottom that the contemporary host are strong to suppress a sad arrangement in the clear house goes to relatedly funeral affairs, this just gets brothers 4 people yard.
No man dares to talk, but allly the persons all use that kind of the taste stare at hospital other parts of country to inspect a hospital public.
Deng Zi more in this whole life, have never discovered to have so many people want to eat their he or shes ground meat, the clear family's vision has already nakedly expressed this hatred poison.
He knows to by this time can not back, once yielding, spreading will go out, will give to inspect a hospital to bring biggest risk, clearly old too the gentleman is one dead.Inspect person in the hospital then agitated withdraw, not is have a guilty conscience is what?
So he face a sink.Is one Mi the eye, say:"Clearly old too the gentleman collaborate with east Yi, afraid of punishment suicide ……the funeral affairs processing postpone and remain to be checked to check cause of death, again do a processing."
From inspected hospital ground angle up say, he have to in this time performance ground particularly hard spirit, but to clear family, the old ancestor just died, will be inspected a hospital to plant an afraid of punishment suicide ground criminal charges, who can not endure.
Clear drama of six Yes' most pleased wrestles, livinging the ground is five big three thick, behave is also that the temperament is thick strong, adding it is a clear surname young child, always most get old too the gentleman like, he to old too gentleman ground feelings is also the deepest.The natural mother Tu loses today, just in the sad grief and indignation of, listen to Deng Zi more this language, return to body to start to grasp a chair, then failed past!
Deng Zi more on lifting plain knife, block that chair, the Ta ground is 1.
Six clear eyes are red, the face muscle distorts, point Hao way:"Bearer, have no the conscience ground to these running dogs and all kill for me!"
What clear ground in the house escort domestic waits is this sentence, this half year to be inspected a hospital to bully ground to soon breathe heavily however annoy, how fold a body to ask for perfection can not protect a body, unexpectedly connect today old too gentleman all to lived to persecute to death, looking at an of these inspect officials in the hospital, be like looking at to intrude into a hinterland bad dog in oneself door, start only fear not malicious, public deliver one to shout, take weapon and then hurtled up, Mao mile Pa a wild blow!
From understand clearly old too the gentleman dead Xun is that a moment, Deng Zi more knows that the affair wants to make greatly and let to belong to the bottoms to work well to meet challenge to battle preparation, so fight although suddenly, be not beaten a caught unprepared, the hand rounds everywhere a smallly defense***, pull out plain knife in the waist side to meet challenge to battle.
Momentary, listens to shout information, sees glint and flash of cold steel, accidentally have the fresh voice miserably shouts and accompany with those clear Niangs sons in house frightened ground screech, Brilliant Garden today, not very noisy.
Persons of Brilliant Garden are much certainly many, among the private soldier really also a few superiors teach a head, just on facing to face personally, inspect a hospital then many people get hurt, the blood imitates don't spilling of money.
But everywhere although not is inspect hospital force strongly Ya door, after all is also once was subjected to professional training ground personnel, although someone gets hurt,someone mount and maintained to resist to defend a turn very unwillingly inside the turn ground person right away, beating off of success private soldier in the clear house's first offensive.
But ……can prop up how long?Clear six Yeses have already soon grown crazy at this time and try very hard to of yell.Pa of a lightly ring.
Got one box on the ear of recording on clear face of six Yes.He is indignantly startled to look back, but see eldest brother, that sorrow to still save but morely is a face.
Clearly green reach depress voice to grind teeth to say:"You want to let a whole clan ground does the person accompany to walk into death?"
Don't wait clear six Ye message of replieses of foolish E grounds as well, clearly green reach calm and steady that face, shout a way:"All give me away with it!"
The voice isn't very big, so the many people didn't hear, clearly green reach palely the facial expression appear one silk stimulatedly red and dizzy, raise voice to shout a way:"Do you want to rebel?"
After all is nominal contemporary clear house host, particularly is at clearly old too the gentleman dead is after.Name two words can also throw away.So clearly as green as a makes next, Brilliant Garden allly the hatchet men all stop and backed out.
The crowd steps aside a road, clearly green reach chillily along this passage go forward, haded been walking till to inspect a hospital publically before the body.
Clear host in the house like this as seeing treating to kill a bad dog, chillily looking at Deng Zi more.
Deng Zi more and nowise shows weak, sneer at to say:"Clear master son.You ask a ground of good ……really prepare to rebel?"
Clearly green reach take several silks in taste miserable, take several silk despises, but always don't speak words, this time clear house actually how to reply ability?Killed in front ground these 40 officials inspect a hospital?That need not wait Kyoto to the aim and sit little adult Fan of hitting the ground in city in Suzhou.There is also that Xue's governor of province, can adjust soldier to put out Brilliant Garden at any time.
But ……the other party persecuted to death oneself ground mother!
All worry in uncertainties of all theses with painfully the mental state flounders all present at clearly green reach ground face up, all fall at the clear house is public and inspect officials ground in hospital eyes in.
"Eldest brother!"Clear six Yeses cry to hurtle to clearly green reach ground, say:"The Niang was compelled to die, we could not make these running dogs on the hoof to go out."
In fact Brilliant Garden middleman gradually after calming down, seem all ability body flavor clear master heart in of sad with flounder, clear six Yeses are no exception, only mother and child deep love, call how he can endure this tone?
"You dispense me clear ground humiliation in the house with distress ……" clearly green reach the lips Be tiny to tremble, the complexion is pale.Stare at Deng Zi more eyes to say:"My clear house definitely the decuple beg for return ……as for today, you kneel down to old too the gentleman kowtow to ask for pardon.I then put your park."
Clear six Yeses are some don't believe oneself ground ear, the Huang urgently says:"Eldest brother, not ability so calculate!"
On the contrary in front Deng Zi more Mi eyes, say after wondering a long time:"Clear master, you should know we inspect a hospital and kneel a sky to kneel of kneel a gentleman, restly person, we are a can't kneel ground."
Clearly green reach ground the eyebrows is wrinkly to get up, seems the quilt continue an impact lane today ground since then spirit big Sun.Being some to stand is unsteady, unwillingly hand clear shoulder of six Yes.But also obstructed six clear impulses.His Si wears voice to say:"That ……then the jade accompanies Fen."
Time of talking, Deng Zi more always feels clearly green reach hope oneself ground eyes, seem is want that meaning is a certain concealed the ground meaning is at the deep place, but hasn't been cutting and polishing to understand.
Clearly green reach sigh in center of earth
He didn't also expect, inspecting the hospital will thus hard spirit, face this kind of dangerously situation, unexpectedly is even is superficially some concessions Be not willing to do.
The confrontation still keeps being continuing, the situation is imminent.
Clear house six there are always so two intelligent persons in the building Yes, a see power head not to, again listen to eldest brother jade accompany Fen those four words, then felt one silk frightened, this is businessman's ground, how entitle to and imperial government jade accompany Fen?The egg hits rock and puts a , this shape, and then isn't likely to let the rock lose what.
Much less oneself isn't clearly old again gentleman too ownly, make the life compensate oneself up?Hence clear two Yeses clear three Yeses all rounded to come over and did on the noodles emotionally wrought up sad bitterness of color, but attach clearly green reach of the ear talk quietly words and persuade clear master to want with count a myriad people life in the clan is heavy, temporary endure to let, for old too when the gentleman revenge, want slowly diagram it.
Clearly green reach oneself personally killed old too gentleman, the in the mind originally had ghost, that pallor poured on the face be not packed intentionally, so when this situation, he had to put with inspect hospital enemy absolutely irreconcilable, certainly can not two sign ground to do a parties, at this time have clearly old two clearly old three appear publicly to persuade, he heart bottom slightly Anne, put a facial expression of flounder pain and sufferings.
Don't know to square off how long, suddenly listen to outside in the park Be a burst of to clamor, the morrow woulds be horse's hoofs repeatedly, don't know how much person's horse rush will come in.
Clearly green reach at heart one Zhan, wonder to inspect hospital ground black ride clearly and still just a river north, break impossibly to kill into a park at this time.Is the future who again?
Up to thousand government troops Zong the horse run fast but go into, the long gun stands up like a forest, the soldier Wei He He, immediately the private soldier of Brilliant Garden with inspect many officers of hospitals to insulate to open, the momentary dust gradually rises, the vehemence is pressing.
Come to ground the person is all the way exactly Chiang-Nan governor of province to adjust to come over ground state soldier, use a ground of hasty make, tightly rush through to slowly rush through.Finally rush through before the big disaster takes place, block at with swords unsheathed and bows drawnly the two groups of personses is in the center.
The leader of a group ground is a three will, he has already here understood occurrence ground affair, the complexion is dignified of with clearly green reach say severals what, originally want to go in to do obeisance for a while the fiesta is clear old too gentleman, but know that the Brilliant Garden basically hasn't set out well, and clearly old too gentleman hopeless situation too ……that what.Have to forget about it.
Goes into a park with the state soldier of and also have already inspected a Qi year group in hospital member, he gathers together Deng Zi more and nearby and hands over to need to be lifted to take charge of adult to say ground, those two words.
Deng Zi more has no cause a surprised, wish now and back to walk to pour not a problem.Have thousand state soldiers here, clear house even if want to begin to also have no that ability, problem BE, thus, don't sit solid inspect a hospital to persecute to death clearly old too is the gentleman one matter?He is some not understand, actually and how think ground in a free mind Fan, at this time best ground should to the method, obviously should be adjust black ride, lend this to take advantage o from the head the clear house certainly put out just right.
However once the state soldier go to, since is protected to inspect these officials ground in hospital life.Also obstructed a black possibility for riding to butcher garden area.
As for Deng Zi more has been doubting of clearly old too gentleman cause of death ……also only mansion in Suzhou just entitle to inspect, inspect to there is no this qualifications in hospital.But Chiang-Nan an of land administration duty all of officials are clear ground persons in the house, affirmation isn't likely to check what problem.So he isn't more and more understand, lift to take charge of adult actually is how to arrange ground?Does the servant still grasp or not on that week?Take office keep on being developed so by this affair?
Thick spring of, but the city inside in Suzhou is the one silver makeup vegetable to bind.
Isn't snow, but cold win snow.
Almost and allly citizen in Suzhou put on filial piety, those are ice-coldly like a ways Zhao paper, at state the clear house is too old gentleman to Chiang-Nan person ground special kindness and merit.
Clearly old too the gentleman ground dead Xun almost get about Chiang-Nan between a night, but she death ground the concrete circumstance be differently delivering in person's mouth, more and more and oddly get up.
But in spite of is which kind of version local news.The pike head all pointed to inspect a hospital naturally, civilly the exasperation started accumulating to gather.But all temporarily can not find to vent a ground of outlet, inspect hospital ground the Ya door have been hidden, so the courageous prospects that temporarily has never appeared ten thousand people to seal a door to beg for justice, for imperial envoy location China park, there is large force guarding, the common people temporarily also there is no courage demonstrating.
So everyone has to wear a filial piety and uses the sad Nu on the face, city well ground hatred the poison scold a voice, express oneself silently protest, this is also a rightness of little adult fanses' grounds towards inspecting hospital ground, .
Clearly old too gentleman ground's working properly a hall haven't opened, so eachly coming to mourn a ground of officials and power is expensive temporarily all live in Suzhou.
The whole Suzhou city all drive cover with over there coldly atmosphere in, isn't same on all sides with beauties of spring Hun.
However Fan Jian don't care these, his face is enough thick, the heart is also enough black, the spirit is strong and healthy to can take full city filial piety ground the scene regard as the movie of previous incarnation to see, as for those dark place to oneself ground the pain scold of voice, is also completely not hear.
He sits on new breeze building semicolon in Suzhou to wrap down ground loft, the in the mind is worrying begonia, the begonia arrests gentleman mountain for oneself that day meeting ground Mr. Zhou, but hasn't been coming back, doing not know will can't have what dangerous.
Thought of this stanza, he not from once the self-ridicule smile, this can hurt in the world ground the person was also those big respected masters.He starts to carry a bowl and shout shout ate a few noodles, satisfaction of sigh tone, this just the openings say:"Clear master son, this time I is drive your Yin was miserably."
Clearly green reach kneel at his ground nearby, repeatedly Ke head, try to please to say:"Adult consider such as long river it work properly, the vehemence is like the Wei E of Tashan, again will care these body week small breeze."
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