
google down to alcohol

And who is the object of his love ,google,but he had to do, he can put it all down to alcohol side effects ,the Xue Fu Helena unfair .relationresultBut,if he went to explain ,and will give car Tu Xi infinite fantasy ,equal to pull her back into the 5 corners of love ,as well, to make a long story short ,let her completely lost hope ,then to find new love .
relationresultThis was in her best interest.relationresultThe 406th chapter sad movie , relationresultOn the afternoon ofthe history of western philosophy elective course ,Cha Eun tides as usual to ge front seats ,and sits in his outside .
relationresultJust,she no longer and Ge Ge front front speak, think ,her face white ,seemed ready to fall down .relationresultHermouth is very stubborn and smooth ,a solemn expression indifference ,big beautiful eyes hollow staring straight ahead ,seems to see Professor on the stage ,and seems to be free from an unknown space ,looking at her like this ,Ge Feng feel heart ache .
relationresultShe no longer forhis gentle smile, no longer secretly painted his portrait ,also no longer smiling to listen to him say what good jokes ,he could not see her bent half-moon amorous beautiful eyes ,don her cheeks two pyriform fossa ,her whole person ,is like a statue of no angry sculpture .
relationresultAlthoughstill beautiful ,but no longer lively .relationresultShe justtook a lesson ,quietly heartache ,cnn.relationresultWhen studentscan take time, huge classroom still only two of them .
relationresultChe Enxihead drooped ,Facebook,long black hair out ,covered her face .relationresultWhat aboutyou .Ge Feng asked softly ,he is really hard not to let her heart intestine so self torture .
relationresultChe Enxi did not answer,there is no mobile .relationresultGeFeng up her head to look at the expression on her face ,not by a surprise : see car en West beautiful big eyes ,big tears click click like a broken line of beads ,falling ,wet her skirt .
relationresultSometimes,silently crying crying more than make people feel grief .relationresultWhat ?What the hell is going on? Ge Feng can not see girls tears ,from small to large ,if he and shade shade odds, as long as the little girl lips a skimming, tears still eyes when, he will surrender completely ,until coaxed Ouyang Qianying smile through tears .
relationresultSo the carwell tides silent cry let him with panic ,he preferred and the heyday of the Michael Jordan on the court battle, even if he hits hard ,also do not want to face the girl tears .
relationresultBecause he wasseeing his mother too many tears ,so he thought ,let a woman crying man is not good man .relationresultBecause of this,he also hated father Xiao Ting ,a long time can not be relieved, until now he is still unwilling to change their name to Shaw ,can not be said to have the factor .
relationresultSo hecan not see the girl cry for him .relationresultThismade him feel bad .relationresultKoreans love tragedies ,so I did a few sad movie , the car well tides start to talk ,her voice is empty and cold ,no feelings : because there was no love experience ,so every time I cry ,I imagine is a poor girl ,parents do not I ,the world abandoned me ,I can cry very sad ,even the director says ,I play it very well ,cry very distressed .
But now ,I don fancy, he can cry very sad ,because I really feel ,oneself is a very poor girl ,I feel ,like I was the world has abandoned ,my world ,gray .This feeling of sadness ,I have never experienced ,the original ,love is the taste ?A good hard ah !But ,why are there so many people who lie to me ,say love is sweet ?This world ,is really crazy ! , relationresultShesmoothing hair ,being easily stood up ,he started on a sad smile ,said : I go ,I wish you happiness ! , relationresultThen sheleft the seat ,to the direction of the doorway to go .
relationresultJust,have not taken a few steps ,she begins to shake ,as a drunken man ,softly paralysis on the ground .relationresultTu xi ! Ge Feng a stride ran ,a picked up on the floor of beauty ,he will be placed on my knees .
Her face is pale ,but did not faint ,his gentle beautiful big eyes ,tears ,staring at the front .relationresultSpeechlesscondensate tears ,tears resplendent, thousands and thousands of words ,all in the eyes ,the river of sorrow .
relationresultGeFeng now know ,why do so many young people so love car en western movies ,her eyes ,really speaks ,she don ,just so tearful gaze at you, you will be able to understand all of her pain ,also with her heart and heart .
relationresultI donsay ,you understand everything .relationresultThis is theGe Feng from her eyes to read out information .relationresultTu Xi ,you don you this way ,let me feel bad . Ge Feng murmured .
relationresultI don ,really . Car en West mouth becomes a weak smile : has been ,is my affection, you never promised anything ,so you don owe me .I was cute enough ,so you don me, I can .
, relationresultGeFeng before looking at this figure ,she curled up in your arms ,looks very small ,so vulnerable ,she tears brimming with beautiful eyes filled with sadness ,even the Xi Xi fibrillation small mouth ,so adorable ,Ge Feng a hot head ,only that now even if want him to embrace girl to die ,he will not hesitate to do .
relationresultHe was shivering,their hot lips ,affixed to the car well tides quivering lips .relationresultChe Enxieyes suddenly open wide ,just for a few seconds ,and then sighed ,eyes closed ,enjoy this offer true Ge Feng kiss .
relationresultTonguein entangled ,air enters ,two people lost in a kiss ,inextricably bogged down in a long time .relationresultFor a long time,the car well tides left him, rosy cheeks ,she gasped :m going to faint .
, relationresultGeFeng looked at his pale face ,knocking her head ,said : you are really going to faint ,I know ,you never eat .Go to the clinic . , relationresultChe Enxihug Ge front neck ,snuggling in his arms, her eyes reveal a dreamlike color eyebrow eye ,all smiles ,her singing .
relationresultOne day,she experienced by the great mercy to the big change .relationresultUntilin the clinic in some drip out, she still looked at GE front face .relationresultWhat are you looking at ?Very good ? Ge Feng nasal cold grunted ,doctor told him ,I to give the girlfriend point of nutritional supplement ,her body is too weak ,it makes Ge Feng was very angry ,Ouyang had Qianying a small temper not eating, he is very angry .
relationresultHowever,it can not hurt his own body .relationresultYes ,I feel ,you look so handsome oh . The car well tides smiles: are the planet . , relationresultWell ,learn to bootlick ,not with Pu Taiji the kid go too near ,easily affected .
Ge Feng light said: was very angry ,because you are wasting your life . , relationresultBut ,people very sad . , car Tu Xi Du has a small mouth ,reproachfully : I thought you didn people .
, relationresultGeFeng no answer ,he doesn know how to answer the question .relationresultJust ,you kissed me on ? The car well tides whispered ,her face powder blush .relationresultWell, Ge Feng awkward coughed . Related articles:

